Saturday, 25 February 2012

Im no lez.


Friday, 24 February 2012

Lolage ;D

Sorry Lucaaaaaay I needed somebody to mess with LOL this is the funnyest chat ive ever had on MSP xDDDD I was on my new account Ninjaa Demon (its a boy) and I was pretending to be my 'cousin'. If that makes any sence :D

Btw I heard Buddy112 is single and looking for love.

Thursday, 23 February 2012

Ancient Lucky Lily stuff

LOL look at meeeeeee (and Thomas 64)

Ok so that's emliyflower, me and amyelise who I miss like bad.

Only lucky people have met that girl. She was a very nice, purple obsessed stunning person ;D

Lets just say im bored and that's why I made this post


Tuesday, 7 February 2012


Ok so I was you know on my blog, doing my usual Lucky Lily buisness (annoying people, kicking ass, being kind etc...) when I got this mail....Hehe in your face other level 20's! Cuz' I have a fan now :'3 But....All I know is that this person is someone who MUST HAVE BEEN ON HERE earlier cuz' my name on here was Luckay_Lilay_x. So who made this account!?! If you know, anything spill, because I want to know who this girl is...Shes mysterious o.O And cant spell sincerly.

-Lilay xxx
This was a fail blog post :p

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Random stuff!!

Hola amigos!!!!!!! Well erm I got quite a bit to update about, but well, I cant be bothered to update about everything. BUT I need to show you guys some images of MSP stuff...Well cuz' I kinda need to delete them off my computer (:

Lol me and Tawni mess around a lot...Shes well just so awesome!!!!!!!!!! Me and her are like this. We always mess around and have fun, especially in Tawni's house...Which is so awesome btw you need to check out Tawni Harts's house!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What a beautz moment...Allie and me are like bff's tooooooooo and shes my ex-girlfriend on MSP (lol we werent really like proper girlfriends shes just my bff we arent lez or gay)

And this is me and Anny (allanyayk) Shes like totally awesome and stuff (: Lollipops and rainbows whoop whoop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Btw, thats my Emily Forever x account. Add her whilst shes still VIP!!!!! My VIP on that account expires on Staurday I think...Lol Anny is like one of the coolest people on MSP, I mean, look at our beautiful sophisticated faces while having a lollipop! Not everyday you meet someone with as much style as her...

Lmao, what a cool random picture to have on your computer...
