Saturday, 19 November 2011

Special thanks!!!!

I leveled up by the way!!!!Supreme moviestar in da house! Got a lot to tell you today guys!!! Like who won my autograph competition!!!!!!!!! You will NEVER EVER BELIEVE who won!!!!! Anywayz I will tell you who won later!!! For now I just want to thank 2 peeps who had helped me to level 19.
They are so nice!!! Who would of thought 2 nice people like them would mail lil' old Lily? Anyways they both have given me some autos, which I really appreciate. I will pay you back one day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyway, I guess you want to know the winner. Just 1 second before I got the level up pop-up, I clicked my mail...And the winner is...
If you clicked that picture to make it larger, you can very clearly see the winner is.................ISHACOOL!!! I couldnt believe it myself!
P.S thanks for all the help leveling up guys!!! You will see me as a level 20 one day!! And thanks Isha + Polo!


  1. first to comment?Yay!Anyway,cool!Do tell me the day you get to level 20!

  2. Can you have a look t my MSP blog?
    Just click on me.
    Goooo!Lucky Lily!
